Studio Project
Client: Rabobank, Rabo ClubSupport
Case: A new way to support clubs next to 'Rabo ClubSupport'
Year: 2021
This project was made by Studio Andiamo, consisting of Claire Bosboom, Lisette van Noort, and Beau Brouwer. 
My tasks during this project were project management, translating research into visuals, concepting, UX testing, prototyping, and presenting the case to the client. I also made the logo for our studio which is inspired by a compass and the colours of the Rabobank. 
The main question: 
“How can the Rabobank with its two million members help and support local clubs and societies to enhance the living environment?"
After our final concept and prototype, you can find some of our old concepts. The research is shown in Dutch, That's what we presented to the client.  
I contacted different clubs and societies in our environment and asked the Rabobank for clubs that wanted to help us with our research. They gave us some interesting starting points. Every club needs help with something, and these issues were a great starting point for our concept. One of the problems is a lack of volunteers, and another is a lack of awareness. One society didn't have enough money for its own space. 
The target audience is students, they can be a member of the club/society, or have a management position. The managers of the clubs are mostly older people, parents of kids, or people that participate in the club in a different way. We want the students to feel included. The team spirit is really important in clubs, one of the things that we noticed is that people want to volunteer as long as they do it together with someone else. They also find transparency important, so that they know what is expected of them and they feel included. 
Through our research, we found out that clubs have a lot of knowledge, and other clubs could learn something from that. That's why we came up with RaboClubShare, a platform where people can share their knowledge and engage with other clubs and societies. They could post a question and people could give them tips & tricks, or it's easier to connect with other clubs to organize something. 
With Rabo ClubShare, Rabobank offers the opportunity for clubs and societies, to share knowledge and network so they could help each other with ideas and services. Rabobank offers some tools next to the platform.  
The prototype is made in Adobe XD so that we could show how our platform will come to life. We made multiple prototypes that we tested with the target audience to get the best result. 
Promotion Advice
Old concepts
With this project, Rabobank made us choose Our Own direction, which was hard at first. We found that some of our concepts had good elements, and in the end, we combined a few ideas to form a stronger concept. 
I made the visuals of our ideas so we could present them to Rabobank.  
Concept: Social Guide. Problem: the club's awareness.
Social media plays a big role in our lives. Instagram is a platform that most students use. Bigger clubs and societies can invest in a team for social media, while others can't. That's why their feeds can look incohesive.  

By giving advice on how to use social media, Rabobank can help clubs and societies. This way, they can get their brand across on social media creating more awareness.
Een uitwerking kan daarin een social pakket zijn. Hierop zijn er standaard adviezen te vinden hoe je de club/ vereniging het beste op sociale media kan promoten.
Concept: Appreciation. Problem: Shortage of volunteers and they are not that motivated. 
At a lot of clubs, volunteering is mandatory and people even get fined when they don't. Volunteers feel under appreciated, a little compliment would make them happy, and feel appreciated. When they hear that they're doing a good job they feel more motivated and supported. 
Concept: Stronger Together. Problem: Shortage of volunteers and lack of motivation.
People want to volunteer if it's easy and accessible. When a team is good and plays in a good league they get more support than the teams that aren't at the same level. They have to fix everything themselves, so they would appreciate it if the club could put in more effort and make everything accessible. They want the club to help with the management of all teams. 
An open schedule leads to transparency and people feeling included in the club. 
Our first concepts were ideas to solve some of the individual problems that clubs had. After presenting it to the client we realized that they weren't strong and that the elements could work together. That's why we decided to make a platform so that clubs could tackle their problems with enough resources.
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